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After They Fell Silent: The Nature and Fate of the Ship Bells Associated with the Vessels Scrapped for the Washington Arms Limitation Treaty of 1922

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Friends, Romans, Naked Wolf Men ... Why An Ancient Festival Is Still Controversial - Roman Empire Male Twins Digital Artwork Images 2021

Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research applications.

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Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of journals from around the world. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of the journal.

Upon examination of Roman landscape paintings preserved in situ and in museums of Naples and Rome, additional evidence has been found for the additive character of creation of imaginary landscapes as well as evidence for using standardized elements and whole scene compositions in Roman painting. This attitude is compared to the modern way of creating virtual landscapes—computer game level design and the process called “kitbashing”. I propose that both these processes share the same task to create a familiar landscape using a visual language understandable to its contemporary viewer, but also a very similar method of using predefined elements.

Digital reconstructions have become an essential tool not only for presenting results of archaeological research to the public, but also for verifying interpretative hypotheses during the research process itself [1]. It is a discipline where archaeology meets art in the form of computer graphics, and they work together to achieve goals that need to be defined in advance in order to balance the scientific and artistic approach [2]. When presented with a task to create a reconstruction of an excavated site, the scientific approach should prevail, the right technology must be chosen, the process must be documented, and criteria for measuring the certainty of the reconstruction must be defined and appropriately visualized in the resulting product [3, 4]. On the other hand, when presented with a task to create a Roman set for a movie or a computer game, scientific trueness is usually not the main desired feature of the outcome and the production team has to focus more on the practical side of the result and on the audience. This freer approach makes it possible to rely more on predefined asset libraries and a method called “kitbashing”, which uses combinations of existing elements to create new scenes. Each time period or society has its own visual language full of allegories, allusions, and shortcuts. What was immediately understandable to Romans would be difficult to interpret for a modern person [5], making the final product incomprehensible and useless. It is, therefore, almost impossible for a modern artist to avoid using modern clichés about the ancient world entrenched in the audience by the past century of visual experience. As I believe that this is impossible to change by a scientific article, what is left is to attempt reconstruction of the working process of Roman painters and pinpoint the common areas where the work of modern artists meets with the work of their ancient counterparts and discuss whether this artistic process can be incorporated also to scientific reconstructions as defined in this paragraph.

Heritage - Roman Empire Male Twins Digital Artwork Images 2021

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As for the analyzed material, the vast majority comes from the Bay of Naples, less from Rome, and several mosaics useful for this study come from Sicily and North Africa. This paper mostly deals with paintings created between the first century BCE and first century CE, but occasionally will divert attention to much later mosaics dating from the second to the fifth centuries CE in order to show the development of the discipline. Analysis of the architecture, which is an indispensable part of the landscapes, has been done since the seminal works of Michael Rostovtzeff in the beginning of the 20th century. [6, 7] Since then the corpus of known landscape paintings with architecture grew and so did the scholarship around it. Several large studies regarding the Roman landscape painting as a whole have been published [8, 9, 10], but scholars also started picking on the details. Apart from studies regarding the questions of the real-world models for the buildings and landscapes [6, 11, 12], there have also been studies dealing with singular elements that create the whole scene, such as the statues [13], villae [14, 15], tower houses [16], naumachia [17], and sacred buildings [18, 19, 20]. Compilation of these studies allows us to decipher the visual language and comprehend the scenes that were most probably immediately clear to the ancient viewer. As I shall demonstrate in this article, this visual language used a lot of recurring elements, which may reveal more about the way this visual language spread and how the scenes were composed.

Construction of a scene using a set visual language can be called an additive process. However, it is additive in more ways than this. Not much is known about the reality of painters’ workshops in the first century CE, but the Edict of Diocletian on Maximum Prices differentiates two classes of painters, the pictor parietarius and the pictor imaginarius, the former being paid half of the latter. [21] Their tasks seem to have been divided, maybe not directly by skill, but certainly by what they were tasked to paint. The parietarii were responsible for the backgrounds and smaller decorations like the borders, leaving out space for the imaginarii who came in later and added the more complex and prominent scenes. It is also necessary to state that we do not know for sure whether or not at least a part of the painters for the muralists’ workshops were hired ad hoc, but it is certainly possible that the workshops were itinerant, at least within a rather small region, as we can, for example, recognize the style of the “Boscoreale workshop” in the Villa A of Torre Annunziata [22].

 - Roman Empire Male Twins Digital Artwork Images 2021

Roman landscape painting took various positions in the overall composition of the wall decoration from the second to the fourth Pompeiian style. Their size and position on the wall differed and while, especially in the second style, they occasionally created prospects “through the wall”, in the third style they mostly levitate in the middle of a single color panel, or they are shown as a tabula. The fourth style shows landscapes always as a theme of the tabula. [8] The latter tabulae are often placed between the second and third belt of decoration and were quite small, so it can be assumed that they were often merely a hardly visible space filler. Given the various positions and prominence given to landscapes in the overall decorative scheme, it is entirely possible that they were painted by both categories of painters as defined in the previous paragraph. While the quality of execution and prominence can vary, the visual language stays the same, as I shall demonstrate later.

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The standardization of the motives and their spread across various media including wall painting, mosaics, and stuccos surely improved legibility of the scenes to the viewer. Roman landscape painting displayed untouched nature very rarely if ever. To my knowledge there is no landscape painting that would not show at least one sign of human action in the nature—it seems that it is always tamed at least by presence of an intelligent creature (a human, pygmy, or amor) and/or presence of a house, temple, altar, or a statue. One could say that nature becomes a landscape only after human interaction with it—its objectification, which leads to control over it [23, 24, 25, 26]. Then for the landscape to become understandable to a broader audience, it needs to be created (in our case painted) by using a universal visual language, which means using repeating typical artefacts, buildings, and even whole scenes.

The War That Made The Roman Empire' Review: Turning The Tide Of History - Roman Empire Male Twins Digital Artwork Images 2021

The result of this process was known to Romans as a topos and it is mentioned by Vitruvius (De Architectura VII.5.2, translation Morris Hicky Morgan):

“… ambulationibus vero propter spatia longitudinis varietatibus topiorum ornarent a certis locorum proprietatibus imagines exprimentes; pinguntur enim portus, promunturia, litora, flumina, fontes, euripi, fana, luci, montes, pecora, pastores.” “… and their walks, on account of the great length, they decorated with a variety of landscapes, copying the characteristics of definite spots. In these paintings there are harbors, promontories, seashores, rivers, fountains, straits, fanes, groves, mountains, flocks, shepherds.”

Augustine Of Hippo - Roman Empire Male Twins Digital Artwork Images 2021

The Sack Of Rome In 1527

It is interesting that he mostly speaks of the natural features with possible exception of harbors and shepherds. From the extant set of landscape

The standardization of the motives and their spread across various media including wall painting, mosaics, and stuccos surely improved legibility of the scenes to the viewer. Roman landscape painting displayed untouched nature very rarely if ever. To my knowledge there is no landscape painting that would not show at least one sign of human action in the nature—it seems that it is always tamed at least by presence of an intelligent creature (a human, pygmy, or amor) and/or presence of a house, temple, altar, or a statue. One could say that nature becomes a landscape only after human interaction with it—its objectification, which leads to control over it [23, 24, 25, 26]. Then for the landscape to become understandable to a broader audience, it needs to be created (in our case painted) by using a universal visual language, which means using repeating typical artefacts, buildings, and even whole scenes.

The War That Made The Roman Empire' Review: Turning The Tide Of History - Roman Empire Male Twins Digital Artwork Images 2021

The result of this process was known to Romans as a topos and it is mentioned by Vitruvius (De Architectura VII.5.2, translation Morris Hicky Morgan):

“… ambulationibus vero propter spatia longitudinis varietatibus topiorum ornarent a certis locorum proprietatibus imagines exprimentes; pinguntur enim portus, promunturia, litora, flumina, fontes, euripi, fana, luci, montes, pecora, pastores.” “… and their walks, on account of the great length, they decorated with a variety of landscapes, copying the characteristics of definite spots. In these paintings there are harbors, promontories, seashores, rivers, fountains, straits, fanes, groves, mountains, flocks, shepherds.”

Augustine Of Hippo - Roman Empire Male Twins Digital Artwork Images 2021

The Sack Of Rome In 1527

It is interesting that he mostly speaks of the natural features with possible exception of harbors and shepherds. From the extant set of landscape


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